Tuesday, July 17, 2012

BNW: Discussion Questions

Hello Again,
I prepared a few discussion questions for Brave New World. I tried to find and create questions that were geared towards the classroom. 

Brave New World Questions

1.       What is the significance of the title? How does Shakespeare hint at the novels intentions?

2.       What is the significance of the World State’s motto, “community, identity, stability? Isn’t “identity” ironic?

3.       The controller uses subliminal messages to create happy children. The messages are a way of getting rid of questioning. How does our society use the same approach?

Advertising and Media. Slogans for commercials.

4.       How real is the dystopian world that Huxley creates? What similarities do you see in our everyday life?

Soma: Prescription drugs
Amenities: happiness
Lack of religion

5.       What is the significance of the lighthouse?

Lighthouses are used to symbolize epiphanies and understanding of greater ideas.

6.       Why does John choose unhappiness and death over a fantasy world?

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