Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Book Talks!

We met on June 6th and shared our book-talks with one another. Each member shared a minimum of two books and here is a brief overview (read: sloppily typed word document) of our discussion. Soon each book will have a more in-depth entry :)

Between Shades of Gray

By Ruta Sepetys

o   Author did a good deal of research!

o   Fifteen year old Alena just got into art school;

o   Stalin’s Police knock on her door

o   Her and her brother and mother are taken away and put into cable cars and ride for six weeks.

o   She sends messages to her father by drawing pictures instead of writing for fear of being found out; she finds people who are trustworthy and passes the pictures along

o   Themes of heartbreak, death, and massacre.

o   Character and plot development needed – too many questions left unanswered: did her father ever receive the letters or pictures?

 o   Beautiful language

Why We Broke Up

By Daniel Handler

o   “Word Vomit”; stream of consciousness type of writing

o   Min = narrator

o   Letter to Ed; her ex-boyfriend

o   Each item is the reason they should have broken up earlier

o   Novel wraps up; conclusion includes hints from earlier in the text

o   Kind of book that will “bring you back” to high school days

o   Female related

o   Elements of visual literacy (pictures)

o   Prince Honor Book

o   3-4 Stars on Goodreads

Exit Here

By Jason Myers

o   Male protagonist

o Bitter; similar to Holden Caufield

o Rich kid complex

o Social dynamics

o   Drug Use

o   Cussing

o   Recommended for older teens

o   Shows the consequences of drug use

If I Stay

By Gayle Forman

o   Story of a young female narrator who is in a coma

o   Struggles with whether or not to stay alive or let herself die

o   Metaphysical relationship between the narrator and the world

o   Process of death

o   Quick read

o   Middle and High School

o   Struggles with the choices she has made

o College, having sex, e.c.t….

o   Discussion questions at the end of the book


City of Bones

By Cassandra Clare

o   Becoming a movie

o   “Addicting”

o   Prequel is Clockwork Angel

o   Recommend the prequel first

o   Better feminine character – “not a [typical] female idiot”

o   Not very appropriate for younger teens;

o   Not well written; recommend for a summer-reading book

o   Not something that Bri would “ever ever” teach J

o   3 perspectives

o   “Shadow Hunters” – Keep the underworld protected

o   Better than Twilight not as good as Hunger Games

The Golden Compass

By Phillip Pullman

o Middle School-ers

o Fun read for pre-teens

o   Difficult enough to challenge students

o Literary; “beautifully written”

o Teachable

o   Teachers can choose which topics to teach and which ones not to

o Parallels to Narnia Series

o   Fantastical but deep [demon as sub-concious]

o Religious and political side if you choose to look at it that way

Love and Obstacles
By Alexander Hemon
o   Bo"th feet in one overlapping world"

o   Collection of fictional stories about day-to-day life

o   No plot; “this is how it is” type of stories

o   Does not deal with the more interesting sides of war

o   Teach it to twelfth graders; for more mature audiences

o   Teach excerpts

o   Each story jumps into the setting

o   “Beautiful Prose”


By GBTran

o   Graphic Novel

o   Written and illustrated by

o   Puzzle pieces represent what makes up his life

o   Illustrations are “amazing”

o   True story based on Tran’s life

o   First generation Vietnamese born in America;
parents escaped before the fall of Saigon

o   Parents left half of their family back in Vietnam because they didn’t make it out

o   The whole book is about his family telling him to go back to Vietnam

o   When he gets there he finds out that he is the same age as his father was when he left Vietnam

o   (parallel between his lfie and his father’s life)

o   Book parallels narrator’s journey to Vietnam and his parents escape

o   Difficult to keep up with

o   Recommend for Juniors and Seniors

o   Identity issues

o   Discussion on traditions; how traditions are lost

o   Book about finding history and finding his roots

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