Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Dystopian's Paradise

The YA world has a new love, and that love is a dystopia...novel, that is. Our teenage readers seemed to be absorbed in many recently released dystopian novels. There is the ever popular (and awesome) Hunger Games series, Above by Leah Bobet, Ashes Ashes by Jo Treggiari, Empty by Suzanne Weyn, and the Uglies series. These are just a handful of what is on the market. Although, most of the novels will never be taught in a classroom, it is important that we understand how to properly teach a dystopian novel, while still keeping the student's interested.
The main dystopian novels that are being taught in the classroom are Brave New World, 1984, and Hunger Games. Our next book club meeting is dedicated to revisiting these influential post-modern predictions. We've split the group up so that some of us will be reading Brave New World and some will be reading 1984. We've all read Hunger Games so we will take turns talking about the novel. 
If you would like to attend and haven't been to a meeting yet, please feel free to read any of the listed novels. I, personally, am very excited to revisit Brave New World. I read the novel as a senior in high school and it will be interesting to see it from a (slightly) more mature perspective. :) 

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