Thursday, July 19, 2012

Links to Tarayn's Google Sites

Here are some links to Google Sites I have made for various purposes. Some of them are way more complete than others, but they are great for organizing lessons and tools we have learned at Metro! :o) Let me know if you need have any questions!

Young Adult Literature:

Canon Literature:

Lesson Planning Ideas:

Shakespeare Works:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

BNW: Discussion Questions

Hello Again,
I prepared a few discussion questions for Brave New World. I tried to find and create questions that were geared towards the classroom. 

Brave New World Questions

1.       What is the significance of the title? How does Shakespeare hint at the novels intentions?

2.       What is the significance of the World State’s motto, “community, identity, stability? Isn’t “identity” ironic?

3.       The controller uses subliminal messages to create happy children. The messages are a way of getting rid of questioning. How does our society use the same approach?

Advertising and Media. Slogans for commercials.

4.       How real is the dystopian world that Huxley creates? What similarities do you see in our everyday life?

Soma: Prescription drugs
Amenities: happiness
Lack of religion

5.       What is the significance of the lighthouse?

Lighthouses are used to symbolize epiphanies and understanding of greater ideas.

6.       Why does John choose unhappiness and death over a fantasy world?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tonight is the night!

Finally guys and gals, the annual Metro State Book Club meeting is here.  Don't fret my pet, what you are reading is not a mirage or a figment of your imagination. The book club is really meeting tonight, I promise.

Speaking of reality or lack there of, how real are the dystopian worlds that our novels present to us? Hmm...I'm not sure. I think I will ask my book club members this question, and many others, tonight at 5:30 at Rooster and Moon. If you not there then you must have a good excuse. Only a fool would miss this opportunity.
See you all tonight and make sure to bring those very expensive, educated, Metro State thinking caps. You will need them!

Rooster and Moon (10th and Bannock)